
English Lavender

Create a lovely English Lavender by layering Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in these muted tones of purple.
 Reminds me of this photo...

Downderry Lavender Nursery
English Garden Magazine 
photo by Susie Gibbons 

Lavender is a soothing accent color. For more ways to add lavender to your decor see my posts,  Lovely Lavender,   Lavender in Provence and  Modern Gustavian by Wisteria

1 comment:

  1. Hello. I appreciate your site as I was looking for instruction with color and found you! Particularly I was looking for instructions on how to paint muted affects with various colors such as for example a dresser that is dark green(for example) and as one move their eye into the middle of the draw where the handle usually is the color slowly mutes to another color, lets say light green, seemlessly.
    THEN! I saw your english lavender blog, the one with the picture of the metal chair that reminded you of the english lavender/purple color scheme that accompanied your pic of chair. Are you willing to share how to incorporate those colors of lavender, purple, that you show? onto a piece? how to mix? suggestion to use? muting effects? et cetera? Do not want to steal secrets just learn!!lol!!!
    I am doing a wood dining chair that has interestint detail on the frame and legs where different shades would be appealing. It would help greatly. Also, do you have any thought on where to purchase on line or otherwise stencils of trails of lavender?
    I am in Utah.
    Thanks in advance!!!!!
    Joyce Jeffers
