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Very Vintage
Today on Colorways at see how I painted this cute little vintage pine chair using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®.
And while you are there, don't forget to sign up to win the fabulous vintage mirror in my Launch Giveaway. You still have time, but the contest closes Sunday at midnight. Winner will be announced on Labor Day!
Antibes Green is one of the most popular Chalk Paint Colors. For more ideas to use Antibes Green, see these posts you may have missed . Old Table, New Look, Custom Purple and Lime Green, and Stack of Bowls
Guess Where
New post today on
Colorways @
and while you are there, remember to sign up for the giveaway (it ends this weekend)
Before and After
This is the before. For a new post and to see how I painted this vintage chest of drawers, head over to
Colorways at
If you love blue as I much as I do, check out my posts, Chinese Apothecary Cabinet where I use a combination of ASCP blues, Country Blue Wardrobe and how to make a Denim Blue.
Follow Us
Follow us over to Colorways at for a new post and a chance to win a vintage mirror!
Arles can be a surprising complement to more Chalk Paint colors. See these posts you may have missed. Scandinavian Pink over Arles, Fall Colors, and Golden Yellow Chest
Chalk Paint Colors
New Post on Colorways @ Head over to see who inspired this Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® color palette.
To see another finish inspired by Restoration Hardware see my post, Restoration Hardware Finish, Dark into Light, and Mirror Image
Pink in the Garden
Ways to add color in the garden. See how on today's post @
I love to use Chalk Paint on outdoor projects. To see other ways to use Chalk Paint outside see my posts: Weathered Zinc, Patina and Verdigris, and Garden Bench
New Post Today

If you love anything Rococo, you will want to see these posts you may have missed. Rococo Chest, Past Perfect, and Scandinavian Pink
Colorways New Address
French Sideboard
New post today on Colorways at . See how to get this look with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®
For more consoles and sideboards see my posts Country Sideboard, Country Console, and At Your Service
Inspired by Louis Vuitton
Years ago I came across a Louis Vuitton trunk for sale in an antique store in Versailles, Kentucky. Even though I knew it was a once in a lifetime, great find, it was still way over my budget and I went home without it. Since then, I have been fortunate enough to collect a few treasured pieces of Louis Vuitton although nothing as wonderful as that trunk. I marvel at the design and craftsmanship that go into all of their pieces, truly works of art.
My post today is inspired by Louis Vuitton and the colors of his signature collection. Using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® in Arles, part of the Indian Inlay Stencil from Cutting Edge, I painted a repeating, and alternating geometric pattern on this dark oak cabinet. I love how the color and pattern highlight and contrast the traditional style and dark wood. A simple technique with very pleasing results.
Custom Purple and Lime Green
Inspiration today comes from This Old House and Pantone's color of the year, Radiant Orchid. Benjamin Moore's Sweet Pea(base coat) and Autumn Purple(top coat) is layered over crackle medium to create a rich patina on this vintage kitchen island. If you prefer to use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint® you will need to do a little custom color mixing first. Using equal parts of English Yellow and Antibes Green mixed together will create a custom lime green similar to BM Sweet Pea and used as the base coat. After it dries paint a layer of crackle medium carefully following directions on the label( there are several brands available). To make a Chalk Paint custom color purple for the top coat mix equal parts of Emperor's Silk and Napoleonic Blue. Painting this deep purple over the crackle medium allows fine cracks to develop, and the lime green base color to peek through. A great way to add a time-worn look to any piece of painted furniture.
Mixing standard colors in different amounts and combinations is a great way to create a diverse and unique color palette. To see some the custom colors you can make from Annie Sloan Chalk Paint®, see my posts, Mixing for Green, Mixing for Purple, and Mixing for Orange.
Old Table, New Look
With rare exceptions, all my projects are solo endeavors. My husband and two oldest sons have full time careers in fields unrelated to furniture, painting and color. My youngest son also spends much of the year away at college, and even when home in the summer, has a busy schedule. So when he offered to help me with some furniture, I happily accepted.
Having no experience with painting, I think he was surprised when he found himself with a paint brush in his hand and choosing the colors from the cans of Chalk Paint for this table. He chose Old White for the top and Antibes Green for the skirt and legs. Using the same brush, he went directly from the Old White to the Antibes Green which ended up giving the legs and skirt a soft layered look. Wow. Pretty amazing for a first timer (admittedly, I'm biased).
So.. what do you think? Would you give it a thumbs up?
Antibes Green is one of the most popular Chalk Paint Colors. For more ideas to use Antibes Green, see these posts you may have missed . Custom Purple and Lime Green, and Stack of Bowls
Inspiration in Alsace
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